The Nature of Time is the debut short film from writer and director William Brooke. It has featured in 11 film festivals, winning six awards and an honourable mention.
The Nature of Time looks at the physics and philosophy of time’s arrow, and whether what we perceive to be time is in fact an illusion and a side-effect of a deeper principle of reality, namely entropy. The film also deals with broader ideas of faith and beauty in science, and what motivates scientists to dedicate their lives to something so abstract, theoretical and other-worldly.
Starting with Boltzmann's formulation of the Second Law of thermodynamics as entropy always increasing to the future, the film deals with the Poincare and Zermelo conjecture, the "Boltmann's Brain" argument and the Skeptical Crisis that follows.
Director - William Brooke
DP - Lily Grimes
Editor - Chloe Hardwick
Music - Roland Witherow